Gambier Island (New Brighton)
New Brighton dock is located on the southwest of Gambier Island off Austin Road.
- This dock offers foot passenger pickup and drop off service only. Vehicles cannot travel on this route.
- Sailings to and from New Brighton are independently operated by Kona Winds Yacht Charters and some departures are on-request only.
- To request a pickup for travel on this route, call or text 604-740-6589 at least one hour before the scheduled sailing time and leave a message with your name, phone number, travel time and pickup location.
- Some departures from Langdale will wait for the Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Sunshine Coast (Langdale) sailing to arrive so passengers can make their travel connection.
- Schedules are subject to change without notice.
Austin Road, New Brighton,
Gambier Island, V0N 1V0
Transit options
No public transportation options.
If you lost an item while travelling with us, you can:
- Report your lost item to the customer service desk at the terminal
- Call 604-886-2242 Ext. 4
No terminal amenities.
Free off-street parking (20 spaces)
Service notices